
Demand-responsive transport

Demand-responsive transport grows strongly around the world

Movili is an independent specialist in demand-responsive transport and as your partner throughout your project. From designing to launching and beyond.

What is demand-responsive transport?

Demand-responsive transport (DRT) is a modern ride-sharing service which intelligently utilizes new technology to book, organize and pay for a ride. Its service and routes are based on real demand.

It makes the customer experience so good and unique that it genuinely competes with private car.

In small towns, DRT service can provide a significantly improved level of public transport quality without any increase in costs over fixed-route systems. In large cities, demand-responsive service works excellently as part of the existing public transport system.

No single solution fits everywhere, so each on-demand service is designed and tailored for each client’s specific needs.

Movili is specialized in Demand-responsive transport planning and consulting. Movili offers DRT services like:

Service design / Road map

  • Service design
  • Operating principles
  • Cost analysis
  • Implementation plan

Procurement consultancy

  • Market analysis
  • Requirements
  • Tender materials

Kick-off support

  • Operation support
  • Customer instructions and support
  • Demos and user training

Pilot and case studies consulting

  • Analysis and development of the service’s operations
  • project management services
  • Development plan to make pilot a permanent service
Movili esimerkiksi kutsuliikenteen palvelusuunnittelmat
Implementation of the ride-sharing service begins with a Road map
Movili kutsuliikenteen suunnittelu
Movili assists at all stages of the demand-responsive transport project

Kutsukyyti tutuksi oppaan avulla


Opas tutustuttaa sinut kutsuliikenteeseen ja sen mahdollisuuksiin.


You can leave your message via the contact form or by sending an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Movili Vili Lehtinen
Vili Lehtinen

Mobility specialist, CEO

p. +358 45 176 4054

